
Steel Fiber Detection

Steel Fiber Detection

1, the tensile strength of steel fiber inspection required tensile strength not less than 380MPa; 2, demolition bending properties of steel fibers, steel fibers should be able to withstand a diameter of 3 mm steel rod bent demolished 90 ° constantly test each batch of not…

Why polyacrylonitrile fiber can improve concrete crack

Why polyacrylonitrile fiber can improve concrete crack

Why say polyacrylonitrile fibers can effectively improve the crack resistance of concrete it? Because some of the features of its own, then the main specific reasons as follows: 1, polyacrylonitrile fiber and cement adhesion is very good, so you can play a supporting role, and…

The main properties of steel fiber

The main properties of steel fiber

Steel fiber is a new, high-performance steel fiber varieties. With steel fiber and ordinary concrete road is substantially the same ratio design method, the points of difference: dual control standard strength (compressive strength and flexural strength); steel fiber content is det…

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